Model DetailsLeukocyte lymphoma(Kidney)

Model Name

Leukocyte lymphoma  (Kidney)



Tumor Inducing Agent(s)

None (spontaneous)

Tumor Synonym

kidney lymphoma

Strain Synonyms

Ctr  •  wild-type (WT)  •  p21+/+p27+/+  •  C57 Black  •  C57BL/6 from Jackson Laboratory  •  wild-type C57BL/6J  •  C57/Bl  •  C57BL/6  •  Bl/6  •  C57Bl/6J  •  B6J  •  C57BL/6J, H-2b  •  C57BL/6J inbred WT  •  Black 6  •  C57 BL/6  •  C57BL6/J  •  WT  •  WT-Control  •  C57  •  C57/Bl 6J  •  C57BL  •  B/6  •  control  •  C57/Bl6  •  C57 black subline 6  •  p53+/+  •  C57BL/6J+/+  •  WT-CR  •  C57/B16  •  B6 WT  •  C57BL/6J (UW)  •  B6  •  C57BL/6J (F129+51)  •  C57BL/6J wild-type  •  wild type  •  p53 wild-type (+/+)  •  wild-type  •  Wild-type (WT) C57BL/6J
Organ Affected Sex Frequency Age Of Detection Additional Information Expand all Collapse all Reference
Kidney Female


(7 of 50 mice)
  • Treatment Notes
  • Notes

    Reproductive Status: reproductive status not specified

Mitchell SJ, Cell Metab 2016 Jun 14;23(6):1093-1112
Kidney Male


(3 of 50 mice)
  • Treatment Notes
  • Notes

    Reproductive Status: reproductive status not specified

Mitchell SJ, Cell Metab 2016 Jun 14;23(6):1093-1112